- 収支{しゅうし}がやっと[辛うじて]とんとんとなる[損得{そんとく}なしになる]
barely break even 意味
- we barely break even . there is no fame in it .
利益にならず 名声も得られない
- "barely acceptable" 意味
- "barely adequate salary" 意味
- "barely audible" 意味
- "barely average" 意味
- "barely avoid showing a loss for the year" 意味
- "barely catch" 意味
- "barely clad" 意味
- "barely cover the cost of labor and materials" 意味
- "barely detectable change" 意味
- "barely average" 意味
- "barely avoid showing a loss for the year" 意味
- "barely catch" 意味
- "barely clad" 意味